SupportED: Online Self-Help Program for Carers of People with an Eating Disorder
InsideOut has developed an online skills program for carers, family members and other support people of individuals living with an eating disorder
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InsideOut has developed an online skills program for carers, family members and other support people of individuals living with an eating disorder
This fact sheet suggests some strategies for ensuring families and carers take care of themselves whilst supporting a loved one with an eating disorder.
Many family and friends worry that they will say the wrong thing to someone they love with an eating disorder. The important thing is to let the person know you care.
27 Apr, 2018
There are ways to potentially reduce the financial burden of treatment.
26 Mar, 2021
Eating Disorders Victoria is offering an 8 week, one on one coaching program for families with a young person who has been newly diagnosed with a restrictive eating disorder.
These Support Groups offer the opportunity to meet and connect with others both face to face and online, sharing similar experiences of eating disorders.
Eating Disorders Families Australia has a range of offerings for both clinicians and carers.
Eating Disorders Families Australia is now running monthly Parent/Carer support groups called strive (Support Teach Reassure Inform Validate Empower) via Zoom.