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The Process of Medicare

Visit your GP

Book a long appointment with your GP or other eligible medical provider. They will develop an Eating Disorder Plan for you. They will also refer you to a provider of psychological treatment. You can also receive a referral to a dietitian.

You can complete the Eating Disorders Examination - Questionnaire (EDE-Q) below, and take the results in when you meet your GP.

Complete the EDE-Q

Finding a Qualified Practitioner

Your GP may refer you to specific allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services. However you can also search for clinicians in your area on our Treatment Services database.

Go to Treatment Services Database

The Butterfly Foundation also have a phone line referral option 1800 33 4673

ANZAED also has a search for practitioner function here.

Quick Tip!

Bookmark this page in your browser and always have an easy access to the overview of steps you’ve gone through and the ones that still remain.

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