Below is a detailed list of healthy and unhealthy eating and exercise behaviours which may support in the identification of disordered eating or exercise.
It is healthy to:
• Eat a variety of foods across all food groups (cereals, dairy, meat product, fruit and vegetables)
• Eat a variety of foods across all macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat)
• Have a fluctuating appetite
• Enjoy all food
• Enjoy and eat food in social situations
• Identify signals of fullness and hunger
• Enjoy 1-2 standard drinks of alcohol
• Eat mindfully
• Eat adequate amounts for biological existence
• Be relaxed about eating
• Be flexible about eating
• Eat to support physical, mental, social and emotional well-being and development
• Eat regularly i.e. every 3 4 hours
• Eat regular snacks
• Cope with various emotional states without attachment to excessive dieting and exercise
• Eat culturally appropriate foods for particular occasions
• Drink water appropriately not too much and not too little
It is unhealthy to:
x Cut out food groups or particular foods without medical diagnosis
x Follow someone else’s diet to suit you
x Constant dieting or switching from one diet to another
x Have a fear of certain foods
x Be anxious about eating
x Fear attending social events because of eating
x Avoid eating socially
x Use supplements instead of eating whole foods
x Measuring, counting or weighing food and counting calories or counting macronutrients
x Follow rigid eating rules
x Label yourself as ‘bad’ or a ‘failure’ if you break diet rules
x Label food with an emotional attachment or judgment
x Have an over reliance on quick-fix strategies
x Use compensatory behaviours such as vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, extreme fasting
x Use food as a reward
x Feed others but not eat yourself
x Excessively deny yourself of desired foods
x Engage in excessive restricted eating
x Restrict fluids or excessive drinking
x Use water to suppress appetite
x Use distracting behaviours to ignore hunger cues e.g. smoking/exercise
x Use illegal or banned substances to control body composition
x Not eat food prepared by others
x Eat in secret
x Fear feeling full
x Use competitive sport as an excuse for extreme diet behaviours
It is healthy to:
• Rest
• Move in a variety of ways
• Exercise at a variety of intensities
• Exercise to supportmental, emotional, physical and social well-being
• Exercise within recommended physical activity guidelines
• Exercise for performance
• Exercise for enjoyment
• Exercise with supported nutrition to promote adequate recovery
• Take exercise free days
• Take breaks from a set exercise regimen such as whilst on holiday or if injured or sick
It is unhealthy to:
x Exercise while sick or injured
x Exercise as a means of punishment or control
x Exercise purely for burning calories instead of for fun and enjoyment
x Not allow time to recover sufficiently causing poor performance, frequent illness, disturbed sleep and alterations in mood.
x Engage in guilt-driven exercise without enjoyment
x Exercise through pain
x Label yourself as a failure if you break an exercise regime
x Use exercise as a reason to eat
x Engage in extended bouts of exercise of any kind (> 60 mins) multiple times a day
x Have an addiction or compulsion to exercise, including in private or at unconventional times during the day (e.g. very early in the morning or very late at night)
x Experience anxiety related to inability to exercise
x Feel the compulsion to exercise more
x Have menstrual dysfunction or low testosterone levels due to excessive exercise and diet habits
x Have a compulsion to perform one particular exercise only
x Engage in deliberate behaviour to maximise energy expenditure
x Believe that exercise takes precedent over other life activities
x Use competitive sport as an excuse for extreme exercise regimes