1 Aug, 2023
The National Women’s Health Advisory Council was stood-up earlier this year to provide advice to the Australian Government on ways to improve health outcomes for women and girls. They are now calling on women, girls and people assigned female at birth to share their experiences in a #EndGenderBias survey. Expertise and feedback from healthcare professionals and experts is also sought.
Chaired by the Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon Ged Kearney MP, the Council brings together some of the nation’s most eminent women’s health experts along with representatives from a mix of peak stakeholder organisations, consumer groups, and medical and professional bodies - including the voice of women with lived experience.
There are unique challenges that women and girls face in Australia’s healthcare system, which lead to poorer health outcomes - from delayed diagnosis, overprescribing, dismissal of pain and more.
“In Australia no one should fall through the cracks when it comes to safe, high quality and affordable healthcare,” says Assistant Minister Kearney.
“It is completely unacceptable that a young girl suffers ADHD symptoms without diagnosis for potentially years longer than a boy her age. Or a woman has her crippling pelvic pain repeatedly dismissed, only to find severe endometriosis.”
The Council is especially interested in hearing the views of priority populations, including First Nations women, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people, people from regional and remote communities, and people with a lived experience of disability.
If you (or someone you care for) have experienced access barriers or gender bias as a woman in Australia’s healthcare system, you are invited to share your experiences and complete the survey by 13 October 2023 to help #EndGenderBias.
Visit the the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website to access the survey and learn more about the National Women’s Health Advisory Council.