New South Wales (NSW) - Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (JH&FMHN) - Laurie Hopkins

For Healthcare Professionals

The Eating Disorder Coordinator in your local health district provides clinical consultation and support to health professionals and teams treating people with eating disorders. This service is only available for health professionals.

Laurie Hopkins is the local eating disorder coordinator and clinical nurse consultant for the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network (Justice Health NSW).

Their role covers all people in contact with the criminal justice system including adult and youth, those in custody, in the community, or in Long Bay Hospital. This service is newly established, fast-evolving, and to the best of our knowledge will be the first of its kind globally.
Laurie provides leadership to Justice Health NSW in actuation of the NSW Service Plan for People with Eating Disorders. Their role is not specifically patient-facing at current, but they can provide clinical consultation and support to health professionals and teams treating people with eating disorders. The role has a current focus on health systems development and workforce development to meet the needs of Justice Health NSW patients. This service is only available for employees of Justice Health NSW however collaboration with Corrective Services NSW, Youth Justice NSW, and other affiliated stakeholders, is welcomed.

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